Green Marketing

Showcase the sustainability benefits of your products, services and solutions through results-driven green marketing. With our experts, there’s no “greenwashing” in sight — just proven B2B strategies for marketing your offering’s environmental value. 

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What is Green Marketing?

“Green marketing” is a broad term that applies to developing, marketing and advertising an offering based on its environmental attributes. This umbrella term also includes green marketing strategy and green advertising — two components of effective green marketing. 

HexaGroup helps world-class energy, industrial and manufacturing companies launch green marketing initiatives that generate awareness, engage customers and partners, increase market share and achieve other critical goals. We know the energy and industrial landscapes. We know green marketing. And we have the track record to prove it. 

Why is Green Marketing Important for Energy, Industrial and Manufacturing Companies?

Across the B2B and B2C landscapes, sustainability is becoming more critical than ever to customers, partners and stakeholders alike. Within the B2B realms of manufacturing, industrial and energy — HexaGroup’s core areas of focus — the energy transition has brought sustainability squarely to the forefront of marketing and communications. Regulatory landscapes are quickly evolving as the International Energy Agency (IEA) Net Zero by 2050 targets draw near and energy security becomes a more significant issue. More than a trend, green marketing is now an essential strategy for any company whose products, services and/or solutions support a low-carbon, energy secure future.

Choose an Award-Winning Green Marketing Agency 

In the energy, industrial and manufacturing sectors, customers have become incredibly savvy about sustainability claims. Board members and investors likewise evaluate ESG claims with a high level of scrutiny. Simply put, greenwashing won’t cut it in today’s sustainability-driven energy and industrial sectors. As the bar for green marketing increases, the right green marketing agency becomes all the more critical.

As with any strategic marcom undertaking, green marketing requires the right mix of domain and integrated marketing expertise. When selecting a green marketing agency, it’s important to consider numerous factors:

Domain expertise: Does the agency have a proven track record serving companies in your sector? If so, are the agency’s work samples recent? We don’t have to tell you how much has changed in the energy and industrial sectors over the last few years; a grasp on current dynamics and emerging trends is essential.
Hexagroup has spent the last 20+ years serving energy and industrial clients. Through our day-to-day work serving clients across these sectors, we keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening now and what’s around the curve. 

Green marketing case studies: Does the agency have case studies that involve green marketing campaigns? When reviewing these work samples, look for clear, well-defined KPIs that measure the campaign’s success.

View HexaGroup’s green marketing case studies to see how we help leading brand market their offering’s sustainability benefits. (You can also view our campaign for John Crane New Energy, which took home the Gold Hermes Award in 2024.)

Integrated approach: In today’s marcom landscape, an integrated approach is key. Effective campaigns should include a range of tactics — including webinars and trade publications, email, social, paid advertising and beyond — and often leverage both inbound and account-based marketing (ABM) methodologies. If the green marketing agency you’re evaluating specializes in solely digital ads, for example, you’re likely to be leaving value on the table. 

As an integrated agency, HexaGroup leverages every marcom tool available to the table to produce consistently award-winning work — from strategic content that boosts organic search to programmatic ads that function as a key element of inbound campaigns. Beyond leveraging the inbound methodology to generate brand awareness and sales-qualified leads, we spearhead Account-Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns to target key accounts, implement innovative AI-driven tools and use media integrations to further amplify our customers’ green marketing efforts. 

At HexaGroup, we know green marketing and we know the energy industry. But we also know that R&D is critical. We invest in future-focused innovations and technologies that keep our clients one step ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Because if the energy transition is any indication, the future will be anything but static — and the companies that keep an eye on what’s next will appear in the winner’s circle. 

Our Proven Methodology: Green Marketing Strategy, Green Advertising and More

The HexaGroup name was inspired by our six-part approach to marketing, which we’ve continued to hone over the decades. This proven framework guides our integrated approach to green marketing and ensures we produce award-winning work for our energy, industrial and manufacturing clients.

Green Marketing Strategy

With green marketing becoming more fundamental to a brand’s marcom strategy, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. Your competitors are likely already doing some sort of green marketing; if they’re not, they’re undoubtedly considering it. HexaGroup’s integrated strategies help our customers cut through the noise and stand out in today’s competitive energy and industrial marketplaces.

We customize our green marketing strategies to each customer’s market position, strategic priorities and marcom goals. However, our approach can include messaging, positioning and naming; visual identity; brand and product strategy; portfolio strategy; and strategic planning. 

Green Marketing Research and Planning

HexaGroup takes a data-driven approach to green marketing. Our research and planning phase includes an in-depth analysis of our customers’ current market position, their competitors in green marketing and key opportunities to enhance awareness for their offering’s sustainability benefits. Our proprietary digital analysis tool, Clustaar™, provides a robust view into our customers’ digital strengths and weaknesses, their competitors’ content publishing and keyword strategies, and other insights that go far beyond an SEMRush report.

Green Marketing Content Strategy & Development

High-quality content is critical to any integrated green marketing campaign. HexaGroup develops targeted content strategies and then supports them with content spanning print, motion graphics, apps, presentations, white papers, eBooks and beyond — all of which benefit from our content team’s unmatched understanding of the energy and industrial domains. 

Green Marketing Website Design

HexaGroup has produced more than 100 websites for energy, industrial and manufacturing clients over the last decade. To support our customers’ green marketing efforts, we provide turnkey website development services including information architecture, UX/UI, technical implementation, content development, and hosting and maintenance.

For customers who already have a well-established website, HexaGroup provides recommendations for content updates, new pages and other enhancements that form a strong foundation for our green marketing efforts. 

Green Marketing Performance

HexaGroup is a performance-driven agency. We combine proven best practices with an in-depth expertise in B2B green marketing to deliver high-performing campaigns. These campaigns can leverage a wide range of methodologies — including inbound/content marketing, demand generation and ABM — and tactics such as social media, SEO, integrated advertising, PR and events to help our customers achieve their green marketing goals.

Green Advertising 

Green advertising deserves special mention, as it can be a key driver of brand awareness and qualified leads but is often under-optimized. HexaGroup’s team includes dedicated digital advertising experts who take a 360-degree view encompassing contextual, search and social. We take targeting seriously, meticulously track key metrics and continually optimize our ad campaigns based on both performance and our customers’ evolving business development priorities. Marketing and sales alignment is another hallmark of our approach to green advertising specifically and green marketing overall.

Green Marketing Technology

The right martech stack is critical to automating, analyzing and optimizing green marketing campaigns. From marketing automation and CRMs to chatbots, we help our clients build the most effective martech stack. Our data experts leverage these digital tools to 1) provide in-depth reporting against our campaign’s custom KPIs and 2) uncover opportunities to optimize their green marketing performance.

Partner with Hexagroup for Integrated Green Marketing

With decades of experience serving the energy, industrial and manufacturing industries, we don’t just know green marketing — we know how to leverage it in today’s complex energy landscape. Let’s talk about your company’s strategic goals and how HexaGroup’s award-winning green marketers can help you achieve them. 

Green Marketing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What are the components of green marketing?

    Effective green marketing includes numerous elements, including an integrated strategy, research and planning, strategic content, marketing technology and performance-driven tactics that target the right audience with the right message at the right time. Another critical component of green marketing is in-depth reporting against predetermined KPIs; this opens the door to meaningful optimizations that boost performance.   

  • How do I know if my company needs green marketing services?

    Any energy, industrial or manufacturing company can benefit from green marketing if their offering provides environmental value. This value doesn’t have to merely involve decarbonization. If your products or services increase operational efficiency, eliminate environmental hazards, reduce energy-intensive downtime events or support the adoption of low-carbon energy sources, there is a green marketing story to tell. However, authenticity and transparency are key.

    Not sure how green marketing fits into your company’s overall marcom strategy? Drop us a line so that we can explore whether green marketing is right for you.  

  • What are some case studies for effective green marketing initiatives?

    Our work with John Crane and Separa illustrates HexaGroup’s approach to green marketing. You can also view our portfolio for more examples of our work with leading energy, industrial and manufacturing clients.

  • How is green marketing different from sustainability and ESG marketing?

    Green marketing involves marketing the environmental benefits of your products, services and/or solutions. Sustainability and ESG marketing involves communicating and promoting your company’s own efforts to enhance sustainability. Although developing a “green” product offering can be one element of your company’s sustainability story, the main focus of sustainability and ESG marketing is your company’s goals and the steps you’ve taken to achieve them. With green marketing, the focus is on the environmental value that your products and/or services deliver to customers.

  • How can I avoid greenwashing in my green marketing efforts?

    Greenwashing refers to deceptive or false environmental claims in a company’s marketing. The key to avoiding greenwashing is to clearly and transparently communicate what environmental value your products and services provide today. Back up these statements with data and case studies that show you’re serious about quantifying how your offering helps customers make progress toward their sustainability goals.


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