Sustainability & ESG Marketing

Highlighting companies' sustainability efforts and results through comprehensive ESG marketing, effective ESG communications and impactful ESG messaging

What is ESG Marketing?

ESG marketing, also known as sustainable marketing, responsible or environmental marketing, refers to the practice of incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into a company's marketing strategies and communications. ESG factors are used to assess a company's impact on the environment, society and corporate governance, and are increasingly considered important by consumers, investors and other stakeholders.

ESG marketing involves promoting a company's sustainability initiatives, social responsibility efforts, and ethical business practices as part of its brand image and marketing campaigns. This can include highlighting environmentally-friendly practices, social impact initiatives, diversity and inclusion efforts, responsible supply chain management, and transparent corporate governance practices, among others.

By positioning a company as a responsible and sustainable business, ESG marketing aims to appeal to consumers who are increasingly conscious of environmental and social issues, and who may prefer to support companies that align with their values. It can also help attract socially responsible investors and strengthen relationships with other stakeholders, such as employees, communities and regulators.

It's important for companies engaging in ESG marketing to ensure that their ESG communications claims are accurate and backed by credible evidence, as greenwashing or making false or exaggerated ESG claims can result in reputational and legal risks. Companies should also integrate ESG principles into their overall business strategy and operations, rather than solely using them for marketing purposes, to ensure they are genuinely committed to sustainability and responsible practices.


Partner with an Award-Winning ESG Marketing Company

Increasingly, sustainability and ESG criteria are top of mind as potential investors, stakeholders and employees look into a corporation as a future partner. In response, major corporations are doing more than ever to highlight their continuing commitment to social responsibility, employee health and safety, and community engagement and education.

Our sustainability and ESG marketing team works to grow companies across a variety of industries, aiming to position them as leaders, innovators and passionate contributors to the communities in which they conduct business.

Our Work in Sustainable and ESG Marketing and Global Reporting

We’ve partnered with various clients in the oil and gas sector to convey their sustainability efforts, ESG best practices, and corporate generosity through sustainable and ESG marketing and global and G4 reporting initiatives.

Our deliverables address sustainability and ESG challenges in the energy sector such as:

  • Lower-carbon energy development
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Growing energy demands
  • Energy efficiency
  • Government relationships
  • Community and stakeholder engagement
  • Global economic and social development
  • Asset integrity
  • Payment transparency and lobbying
  • Environmental protection
  • Climate protection
  • Human rights
  • Health and safety
  • Security
  • Local community growth

Our Strategy for Sustainable and ESG Marketing, Brand Affinity Campaigns and Global Reporting

With decades of expertise in oil and gas and an intimate understanding of changing economies, regulations and public perception, we listen to your goals and set key performance indicators for your ESG marketing campaign, brand affinity campaign, reporting document or collateral.

We’ll craft a strategic plan to reach your target audience, convey your core ESG messaging and meet your communication and marketing goals. With memorable campaigns, continual metric monitoring and re-optimization for peak performance, we’ll get your brand seen – and your values conveyed – to the people you most want to reach.

For your reporting initiative, we craft a design and messaging to capture your audience’s attention, elevate your brand and spotlight your achievements.


Our ESG Marketing, ESG Communications and ESG Messaging Deliverables

Your company makes an impact — showcase it. HexaGroup creates stunning visual graphics, reports, videos and web pages to highlight your organization’s efforts and results at a glance. While you may have plenty of data and facts to share, we want to transform your ESG marketing efforts, ESG communications and ESG messaging into a compelling visual story designed for whichever medium you select — print, digital or video.

Why Make Your ESG Communications and ESG Messaging Visual?

  • The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than it decodes text.
  • When people hear information, they remember about 10 percent three days later. However, when paired with a related image, people retained about 65 percent three days later.
  • Infographics can increase web traffic by up to 12 percent.
  • Articles with images get 94 percent more viewers.


Why HexaGroup for ESG Marketing?

Your company makes an impact on the community. Make HexaGroup your sustainable marketing agency to ensure your endeavors receive the public and media attention they deserve.

ESG Marketing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Why is ESG or environmental marketing important for businesses?

    ESG or environmental marketing is important for businesses as it helps them meet stakeholder expectations, address social and environmental issues, attract and retain customers, access investment capital, manage risks, and drive innovation and efficiency. It has become a strategic imperative for businesses looking to succeed in today's socially and environmentally conscious business landscape.

  • How can ESG marketing positively impact a company's brand reputation and customer loyalty?

    Effective ESG marketing can positively impact a company's brand reputation and customer loyalty by demonstrating corporate social responsibility, connecting with purpose-driven consumers, differentiating from competitors, building long-term relationships, and mitigating reputational risks.

  • What are the key principles and components of ESG marketing strategies?

    ESG marketing strategies incorporate principles of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and good governance into marketing efforts, with authenticity, stakeholder engagement, measurement and reporting, and integration with business strategy being key components.

  • How can companies effectively deploy ESG communications to consumers and stakeholders?

    Effective communication of ESG efforts requires transparency, clear messaging, authenticity, stakeholder engagement, a multichannel approach, storytelling and collaboration. By employing these strategies, companies can enhance their ESG communications and build trust with consumers and stakeholders.

  • What are some examples of successful ESG marketing campaigns or initiatives?

    In 2014 we collaborated with Schlumberger to launch its first Global Stewardship Report and have continued this annual partnership to showcase the company’s environmental performance, community initiatives and recognition for its education, sustainability and innovation endeavors. The 90-page report visually represents a year’s worth of the company's HSE statistics, environmental impact data, employee training details, revenue numbers and charitable contribution totals.

  • How can companies align their ESG marketing strategies with their overall business objectives and financial performance?
    Aligning ESG marketing strategies with overall business objectives and financial performance requires a comprehensive and integrated approach that encompasses goal-setting, process integration, authentic communication, stakeholder engagement, measurement and reporting, linking ESG to financial performance, and fostering a culture of sustainability. Companies that successfully align their ESG marketing strategies with their business objectives are likely to enhance their brand reputation, attract investment, drive innovation, and achieve long-term sustainable success.
  • How can companies measure and report on the effectiveness and impact of their ESG marketing efforts?
    Measuring and reporting on the effectiveness and impact of ESG marketing efforts requires a systematic approach that involves data collection, analysis, and reporting. Some steps that companies can take include: setting clear goals and objectives, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), collecting relevant data, analyzing data and assessing performance, reporting findings and continuously improving.
  • What are the potential risks and challenges associated with ESG marketing, and how can companies mitigate them?
    ESG marketing can be a powerful tool for companies to showcase their positive impact, but there are also potential risks and challenges associated with it that include: greenwashing - a form of marketing where a company overstates or exaggerates its environmental or social commitments, practices or achievements; a lack of standards and regulations, which can result in inconsistency and confusion; skepticism and cynicism that can erode trust and credibility; complex supply chains; and changing stakeholder expectations.
  • How does ESG marketing impact investor relations and attract investment opportunities for businesses?
    ESG marketing can impact investor relations and attract investment opportunities for businesses by enhancing reputation, meeting investor demand, managing risk, differentiating from competitors, and aligning with long-term value creation. By effectively promoting their ESG efforts, businesses can attract investors who prioritize sustainability and social responsibility, leading to potential investment benefits. However, it's important for businesses to ensure that their ESG marketing is aligned with their actual practices and disclosures are accurate, transparent and consistent with relevant regulations and industry standards.

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